A Place of Pilgrimage, Worship, and Prayer

Dear Friends of Our Lady of Prompt Succor,

On November 10th we celebrated the 129th anniversary of the Coronation of the statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor; and as the Centennial year of her Shrine is coming to a close, we keep in our minds and hearts her devoted pilgrims who have continued to support her mission throughout the years, Through your generous gifts of time and treasure, you have made an impact on our ability to provide outreach programs and efforts that bring others closer to Our Lady, and you have helped us provide the necessary maintenance and repairs needed to perpetuate the devotion in her National Shrine…a place of beauty, welcome, and inspiration.

As you consider your end of the calendar year giving, we humbly request that you keep the National Votive Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in your thoughts.

Through your participation during the past year, we were able to replace the a/c chiller and refinish the wood floors in the inside chapel and in the balconies. As we approach 2025, we are taking steps to perform some necessary major repairs needed to abate water intrusion in the basement and through the belfry; and we are hoping to follow this by the cleaning, repairing, and recaulking of the Shrine’s beautiful front terrace. We are sincerely thankful to those who have provided generous gifts to allow us to begin this work, but we would like to raise the funds that will take us to its completion.

There are a number of easy and tax-wise beneficial ways to donate.*

• Direct Mail: Enclosed is a self-sealing return envelope if you wish to send a check.
• Online: For those who wish to conveniently make a gift online, go to www.shrineolps.com/donate .
• Stocks & Securities: If you choose to make a gift of appreciated securities (stocks, bonds and mutual funds) they are deductible at the fair market value on the day they are transferred to the National Votive Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor and sold. Have your financial advisor contact us for transfer instructions. *
• Retirement Assets: Those who are aged 70 ½ years or older may contribute up to $100,000 from their IRA or Retirement Plan directly to a charity and avoid paying income taxes on the distribution. This is known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). *
• Bequests & Wills: A bequest allows you to create your own legacy by making a gift while retaining your assets during your lifetime, and can eliminate or reduce federal estate taxes. *

* It is always advisable to consult with your tax and/or financial advisor or your attorney before making any decisions regarding significant charitable gifts, particularly in making gifts of securities, retirement assets, and bequests. This will safeguard your interests and those of your family.

We are hoping you will join us either in person or in spirit for the annual celebration of the Solemnity of Our Lady of Prompt Succor on Wednesday January 8, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. Archbishop Gregory Aymond will again preside, and our homilist will be Father Joshua Rodrigue, Rector and President at Notre Dame Seminary, who will also preside at the Triduum of Spiritual Preparation for the three days prior to Our Lady’s feast beginning January 5th at 9:30 am Mass. The January 8th feast will be live-streamed at 4:00 pm at www.facebook.com/shrineolps.

Be assured that we continue our prayers for you and for all of your loved ones especially during the holy season of Advent and Christmastide. The petitions which you send back on the enclosed form will be brought up in the Offertory procession on January 8th and placed before Our Lady’s altar. We encourage you to visit and look forward to seeing you during the remainder of this year and throughout 2025, and we invite you to connect with us through email and social media for continuous updates throughout the year!

Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us!

- Kaki Pittman Smith, Executive Director

The National Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor serves God and all God’s people as the center of devotion to the Mother of Jesus under the title of Our Lady of Prompt Succor—quick help. The shrine is a place of pilgrimage, worship and prayer and welcomes all who wish to come to this sacred place.

Make Your Annual Donation!

Your support means more to us than ever as we continue our efforts to make the Shrine a place of beauty, welcome and inspiration! 

Donate Now!